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Prioritizing College Affordability with Michelson 20MM

Prioritizing College Affordability with Michelson 20MM

“Our grant supported a study of West Hills College’s focus on its textbook affordability initiative and the role its governing board played in driving implementation of this innovative, cost-saving measure for students.” — Michelson 20MM   How Governing Boards...

Creating Pathways to Zero-Textbook Cost Degrees for Bay Area Students

Creating Pathways to Zero-Textbook Cost Degrees for Bay Area Students

The Michelson 20MM Foundation has awarded a Michelson Spark Grant to the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education  in support of their efforts to prepare Bay Area community colleges to effectively apply for and utilize ZTC funds.   Addressing...

Climate Change is a Direct Threat to Human Health and Immunology

Climate Change is a Direct Threat to Human Health and Immunology

Climate change contributes to diseases and other health problems in vulnerable populations around the world, according to scientists and experts in a recent program sponsored by Michelson Philanthropies.     By Justin Chapman Climate change impacts every...

Open Educational Resources Spark Grantees Spotlight

Open Educational Resources Spark Grantees Spotlight

Michelson 20 Million Minds is committing $100,000 via the Michelson Spark Grant program to organizations doing important work in the space.     This blog post was published on Committing $100K to the Michelson Spark Grant Program Over a decade ago...

Michelson 20MM Foundation Welcomes James Glapa-Grossklag

Michelson 20MM Foundation Welcomes James Glapa-Grossklag

James Glapa-Grossklag has been named the Michelson 20MM Foundation’s most recent Open Educational Resources (OER) Fellow. James has been a longtime advocate for OER and is recognized as a global leader on the topic.   “We are excited to recognize his work with...