The inaugural episode of ‘Beautiful Journey’ welcomed Jina Krause-Vilmar, President and CEO of Upwardly Global. By Justin Chapman In a new podcast series by Michelson Philanthropies Co-Chair Alya Michelson called “Beautiful Journey,” Upwardly Global...
Recent federal and state investments in broadband infrastructure open the possibility for innovative approaches to connecting Black and Brown people to the internet. Full blog post on Digital Inequity in the Black Community: Someday, ‘Things...
In regard to great wealth there is an established tradition to differentiate those who have made it on their own from those who have had it bestowed upon them. “I have been blessed with three healthy and happy children. For that matter, my wife and I are...
The Michelson Philanthropies team is growing! We’re pleased to announce new staff members Vania Campos, Justin Chapman, and Michele Morris. Vania Campos is the new Marketing Administrative Assistant at Michelson Philanthropies. In this role, she supports...
Heather Gay, education manager at the Michigan Department of Corrections and president-elect of the Correctional Education Association (CEA) discusses the importance of the RAND Corporation guide for corrections officials. This article was published on...