Alya and Gary Michelson Honored by CAMP Clinics at 2024 Pet Gala

Dr. Gary K. Michelson and Alya Michelson were recently honored at an event hosted by the Community Animal Medicine Project (CAMP).

Along with the Robert and Erika Brunson Fund, the Michelsons received the prestigious Pioneer Award at CAMP’s inaugural Pet Gala in Los Angeles. The award is in recognition of their commitment to animal welfare and efforts to provide accessible spay and neuter services to pets in need. Earlier this year, the Michelsons provided CAMP clinics with a $1 million grant that will allow the organization to expand their low- and no-cost spay and neuter services and basic veterinary care. The Pet Gala raised an additional $100,000 that will be put towards a new CAMP facility in South Los Angeles.

“Without CAMP’s services, Los Angeles would be forced to grapple with an even greater crisis in our shelters and on our streets,” Dr. Gary Michelson said. “We are proud to support CAMP and the critical work they do to address the lack of accessible veterinary care – and we are grateful to be a partner in their life-saving work.”

Watch this tribute video to learn more about the Michelsons’ contributions.


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