Michelsons Honored with 2024 Humanitarian Award at the World Brain Mapping Foundation’s 21st Gathering for Cure Awards Gala

Michelson Philanthropies Co-Chairs Dr. Gary K. Michelson and Alya Michelson were honored with the 2024 Humanitarian Award at the World Brain Mapping Foundation’s 21st GFC Awards Gala in Los Angeles. The award recognizes those who significantly improve global patient survival and quality of life.

Previous winners include Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Dr. Michelson, a renowned surgical innovator with nearly 1,000 patents, were highlighted for their contributions to convergent biosciences and immunotherapy initiatives.

Since retiring from medicine, Dr. Michelson and Alya have co-chaired Michelson Philanthropies, advancing education, animal welfare, and medical research. They’ve initiated groundbreaking medical projects, including the USC Michelson Center for Convergent Bioscience and the upcoming California Institute For Immunology & Immunotherapy.

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