Cailyn Nagle dives into the overarching principles surrounding the push for textbook affordability.
Expanding the Use of Free Open Course Materials
Students across the country have been drivers of the expanding use of free open course materials and have worked hard to defend student interests in the textbook marketplace. Using their victories, Cailyn Nagle, Michelson 20MM Foundation’s Open Educational Resources (OER) Program Manager, will dive into the overarching principles that helped them succeed during a talk at the Student Senate for California Community Colleges’ 2021 Professional Development and Leadership Event.
“We need to make sure these student leaders have the tools to help shape not only the California Community College System for the better, but our communities as a whole.” —Cailyn Nagle
Under the theme of “Rising to the Challenge: Creating a Movement for Change,” the three-day event provides students opportunities to gain new skills, share experiences, and advance existing skills. It will be held online and in-person at the Westin Hotel in Long Beach, from October 1-3.
Nagle’s talk, titled “Building Support to Win: Textbook Affordability and Beyond,” will take place on the second day of the conference.
Through the case studies, participants will also become more familiar with the course material marketplace, affordability barriers, and free open textbook programs. Participants will leave with a campaign planning worksheet providing a reusable framework for building out goals, strategy, and activities to bring back to campus with them as a tool.
Nagle joined Michelson 20MM in August to build on the foundation’s decade-long work to remove the high cost of course materials as a barrier students face in accessing higher education.
“Open education means not only removing barriers, but removing the walls to knowledge, both in its creation and distribution,” Nagle said. “I got involved in social change as a student and have seen firsthand the impact they can have. Students can change the world for the better, and we should support them in doing so.”
Whether a student leader’s issue platform is based on affordability, inclusion, or other priorities, campaign planning is foundational. Using textbook affordability campaign case studies to ground principles, the workshop will give participants the practical tools to design strategic campus or regional campaigns. From choosing actionable goals to power-mapping decision makers and developing a winning strategy, this interactive workshop focuses on setting student leaders up to hit the ground running.
“Nationally, one in four community college students are right here in California,” Nagle said. “We need to make sure these student leaders have the tools to help shape not only the California Community College System for the better, but our communities as a whole.”
Read more about Cailyn Nagle here.