Kenia will lead the foundation’s Smart Justice initiative, which strives to create innovative pathways to educational attainment, employment, and economic opportunity for system-impacted communities and people. Originally published on Kenia Miranda...
The Michelson Philanthropies team is growing! We’re pleased to announce new staff members Vania Campos, Justin Chapman, and Michele Morris. Vania Campos is the new Marketing Administrative Assistant at Michelson Philanthropies. In this role, she supports...
“Open education means not only removing one of the barriers to access higher education, but removing the walls to knowledge, both in its creation and distribution,” Cailyn said. “I got involved in social change as a student and have seen firsthand the impact they can...
James Glapa-Grossklag has been named the Michelson 20MM Foundation’s most recent Open Educational Resources (OER) Fellow. James has been a longtime advocate for OER and is recognized as a global leader on the topic. “We are excited to recognize his work with...
Brett Yates steps into the role following the departure of longtime executive director Aimee Gilbreath who recently became president of PetSmart Charities. Brett Yates has been named CEO of the Michelson Found Animals (MFA). He has been MFA’s chief...